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How SagaChain™ compares to other chains

The key differences between SagaChain™ and other chains
PraSaga™ has developed some truly innovative solutions to problems faced by other layer-one blockchains, here we discuss some of the main aspects of how SagaChain™ differs and why

Eliminate smart contracts
We eliminate smart contracts, the point of serialization that causes the inability to scale.

Enable developers
While we have developed SagaPython™ (as our initial platform for app development) but we are looking to add more languages soon.

Global namespace
We create a global namespace in a single instance global class tree, which delivers a 100x or better time to market for applications.

Saving energy
We produce blocks in parallel on multiple chains, syncing hashpower from each chain with all other chains, reaching 100x and higher blocks per bitcoin block and reducing energy consumption of the per block of 100x or more compared to each bitcoin block.

Single layer
We are a single layer blockchain, there are no layer 2 attempts at solving scale which all fail.

Unique ID
We create a Global Unique ID for your account, each of your assets which is a 256 bit string that will not be repeated for billions of years.
Improving Blockchain Security
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Programmable smart assets vs smart contracts
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