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Introducing SagaChain™

SagaChain™ is a layer-1 blockchain …reimagined and rebuilt from the ground up – addressing key issues which limit other blockchain technologies.

SagaChain™ is built on SagaOS™ (our network operating system) which runs applications written in SagaPython™ (modified Python) providing a secure, completely decentralized, object-oriented chain, with lightning fast transactions and limitless scalability.

SagaChain™ Overview

SagaPython™ applications

SagaCoin™ fueled transactions

SagaOS™ network nodes

What is the SagaChain™ ?

SagaChain™ is a new, single-layer, layer-1 blockchain – designed to enable the storage and transaction of global data.

Originally developed to address issues that hamper other chains, SagaChain™ completely rethinks how blockchain technology must power data intensive applications.

SagaChain™ Key Features

It’s Fast – data transactions run in parallel (so they are not queued) and are verified almost instantly.

It’s Secure – stored data is encrypted and can be enclaved, plus transactions use a custom-built consensus model.

It’s Powerful – built on an object-oriented framework, everything is stored on chain – accounts, data and our innovative, Smart Assets™.

Easy-to-useSagaChain™ runs on nodes using SagaOS™, and applications are built using SagaPython™ (modified Python).

Lightning fast transactions

On SagaChain™, shards uniquely execute transactions in parallel – so there are no delays waiting for prior transactions to complete.

In addition, SagaChain™ scales in throughput as more resources are added to the network – effectively, meaning that so long as sufficient resources are available, there are no limits to speed or size of transactions.

Highly resistant to attack

Using a hybrid PoW/PoS mechanism for consensus means SagaChain™ is the most secure blockchain. So any data stored on, or transacted through the network, is completely safe and it’s integrity can be relied upon.

Sensitive data is fully encrypted and special enclaves can be used to protect parts of the network.

Inherently protected assets

SagaChain™ creates an underlying global foundation for all transactions while protecting individual sovereignty and ownership of all assets.

What is SagaOS™ ?

SagaOS™ is an operating system and foundation for the SagaChain™ network. Installed on every node, it provides the power behind transactions on the chain.

SagaOS™ performs all of the core operations, is an object-oriented system, and provides an platform on which applications are built.

Smart Assets™ remove the limitations of smart contracts

Catalyzed by SagaOS™, SagaChain™ is a ledger that puts code, assets, execution and settlement of all transactions directly onto the blockchain, delivering an innovative replacement for Smart Contracts (and their limitations).

Smart Assets provide faster development, higher quality, and ease of use.

SagaPython™ simplifies applications developed on SagaChain™

A powerful next step for developers looking to create apps using the SagaChain™.

SagaPython™ allows developers ease-of-programming by leveraging the Python language. This familiarity allows developers to instantly get a handle on capabilities, and begin building applications and solving problems.

What is SagaCoin™ ?

Like with every blockchain, the SagaChain™ network is fuelled by transactions – and SagaCoin™ is the utility token used to finance this.

Monetizing SagaChain™ data transactions in this way provides a sustainable ecosystem for node operators, validators, miners and end users.

SagaChain™ is available source…

SagaChain™ will be completely available-source, and it is through our amazing community, developer ecosystem and supporters, that we will continue building upon this uniquely powerful architecture.

PraSaga™ are just happy to make it all happen, but we need the help of talented developers and programmers. We need people who are experienced with creating tools and applications to help get things ready for the MainNet launch.

To help everyone start building their applications – simply sign up at our GitLab repository, and get hold of our latest code…