Introducing SagaPython™
Building cutting-edge applications on SagaChain™ couldn’t be simpler
SagaPython™ is a modified version of the popular Python language – so projects benefit from a sizeable pool of existing resources. Plus, applications are built on a mature technology which can seamlessly integrate into existing architecture.
Part of SagaOS™
SagaPython™ is the development language that allows applications to talk to SagaOS™, our node operating system.
Using a popular language for writing software, means there are many existing resources that project leads can begin working with – making app development on SagaChain™ easy.
A world of talented developers
Securing the right team and having skillsets, experience and even personalities all available at just the right time, is easily the biggest challenge to managing a development project.
We chose Python as it is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world – meaning project leads have the biggest pool of human resource from which to form their team.
Integration with existing architecture
SagaPython™ is easily accessible (as it is based on the popular language, Python) and can therefore, integrate with developments that are already underway. Adopting SagaChain™ as your blockchain of choice, doesn’t mean starting over.
A wealth of existing online resources
We are actively supporting development on SagaChain™ with our own online resource, such as our tutorials area (coming soon!) and through our social media channels. But expect to see SagaPython™ feature more on 3rd party, community-driven forums.
A community devoted to development
Right now, there are hundreds of projects around the world, thousands of developers working on them, and millions of lines of code… but most importantly, there is a community of people who want to help build a better world.
Learning to use SagaPython™
We are currently in the latter stages of developing some elements of SagaOS™ and SagaPython™, but have publically released our alpha code (which runs on a standard database) for those who would like to start building applications while waiting on the full code.
We will shortly have a TestNet available, at which point we will be replacing the alpha code database with a fully functioning copy of the SagaChain™. We will restrict access to only the most promising projects and partnerships during this stage, so the chain can be properly evaluated.
To help everyone start building their applications – simply sign up at our GitLab repository, and get hold of our latest code…