The SagaPython™ Learn and Earn 24 Challenge
Learn SagaPython™ and earn SagaCoin™ rewards
Welcome to our SagaPython™ challenge – an opportunity for developers and blockchain enthusiasts* to learn exciting new skills, build real world Web3 technology, and earn SagaCoin™
* Knowledge of Python programming language is required
Step 1: Complete the signup form
If you have any questions about the Learn & Earn Program, please join and follow our Discord and social media channels.
Alternatively, sign up to our waiting list and get notified of future programs, challenges and events!
Step 2: Get the source code
Register on our GitLab ( and get source code, resources and samples
Step 3: Review documentation
Mandatory Material
GitLab Documentation
Core material associated with SagaPython can be found on our GitLab server – please read user guides and read me files before you begin building.
Introduction Module I
Introducing Object state Database and CMI
Introduction Module II
Account Model and Global Invariant
Introduction Module III
Python Backgrounder
Walkthrough Module I
SagaPythonClient Command Line Tools
Walkthrough Module II
SagaPythonTransaction Script Overview
Walkthrough Module III
Key Syntax Components
Background: Look Behind The Curtain
Stub -Object Persistence –Skeleton -Method Dispatch
Optional / Supplemental Material
Frequently asked questions
What is a SagaPython Ambassador?
A: We will have more information to give you soon.
I already have my own team for the Hackathon, can we all participate together as an existing team?
A: No, the SagaPython Challenge is meant for individuals only – but we encourage your entire dev team to participate and learn this valuable skill.
I don’t have a team, will you provide one for me? Do I need a team or can I work by myself?
A: There is no team needed for the Learn and Earn Challenge – this is an individual achievement. Teams can be used in the Code Bounty after learning SagaPython.
What platform will we use to meet our mentors and ask questions?
A: Please post your questions in our #learn-and-earn Discord channel
Does the challenge start on May 1st and end on May 14th?
A: Signups are open now and close on May 1st 2024. Submissions are accepted until May 14th 2024.
Who will be answering our questions if/when we have them?
A: Please post your questions in our #learn-and-earn Discord channel
Does everyone earn SagaCoin by participating or only the top winners of the hackathon?
A: Everyone who completes these 4 steps, including the submission of a functional Sample Application, will be rewarded. The rewards depend on the completion level.
How many SagaCoins do we earn?
A: The reward levels are:
Participants 1 – 100 completing: $1000 each in SagaCoin
Participants 101 – 200 completing: $500 each in SagaCoin
Participants 201+ completing: $250 each in SagaCoin
Do I need to be a current university student to become an ambassador? What if I just graduated? What if I am not starting until the fall?
A: Being an ambassador is not reduced to being a university student, graduated or not.
What does self-guided mean, will we not be getting help?
A: Yes, our experts will make every effort to be available in our Discord server (#learn-and-earn channel) however they cannot provide solutions or recommendations on how to write the Sample Application. Please remember that our teams are busy and allow time for a reply (depending on technical complexity). However, much of what you need to develop the sample application can be found in the reading materials, videos and documentation.
I am already a blockchain programmer but I don’t use Python, can I still join?
A: Yes, you can join, you will need to learn some of the basics of Python before you dive in.
Will I be able to participate if I don’t already know Python?
A: You will have to learn some Python.
I am not a programmer, can I still join?
A: Yes, we want everyone to learn SagaPython, you will need to learn some Python language first.
I want to become a SagaPython Ambassador, where do I let you know?
A: We will have more information to give you soon.
What do you mean by Unicorn?
A: “Unicorn” – a term commonly used to refer to a high valued project.
Will PraSaga help us find jobs after this is over?
A: As a community, we will to the extent allowed, make both enterprises/projects and SagaPython developers aware of each other for potential dev projects.
Will PraSaga Foundation be hosting and/or participating in programs and hackathons?
A: Yes, stay tuned to our social media channels for announcements.
If we win SagaCoin as part of this challenge, when do we get it?
A: The reward amount will be paid out to eligible participants within 30 days after SagaCoin is publicly listed.
19. What kind of wallet do we need to have in order to receive our SagaCoin if we win?
A: A MetaMask account. Details on how to set up the SagaChain will be provided at a later stage.
Step 4: Write your application
Write a functional, sample application using SagaPython and submit it to the PraSaga GitLab server.
Then use the button below to email us with a link to your project (please include your full name).
Your sample application will then be evaluated by our Technical Review Committee
Dates for your calendar
Entry to the challenge closes on 1st May 2024 – so sign up now!
All submissions must be received by 14th May 2024
Finally… we hope you enjoy writing with SagaPython and look forward to seeing what you build!